The reports from previous conservation programmes funded can be found below:
Rapid assessment of the status of Valencia letourneuxi, an endangered Greek killifish (2005 project) - Follow up presentation in 2009 can be found here.
Integrating freshwater fish into biodiversity conservation in Turkey (2010) - update (2020)
In search of the Red Girl in Madagascar (2015)
Fish Net – an update on four freshwater conservation projects (2017) - Fishnet have their own website where they regularly publish information.
EUAC_Batagur baska_Vienna Zoo final report 2018
Mapping the Mediterranean pillow coral (2018)
Turtle Survival Alliance: Tutle Survival 2018
EUAC_Batagur baska_Vienna Zoo final report 2019
Softshell turtle conservation breeding succss in Vietnam.
Coral Husbandry Workshops Maldives 2018/2019
2019 Conservation of Squalius pyrenaicus, a freshwater fish endemic to the Iberian Peninsula
In-Situ Shark & Ray Conservation in Azores, Portugal 2020
Harbour porpoise Photo Identification project 2020
This data has now led to a publication in Nature
Reintroduction of the extinct in the wild species Skiffia francesae to its natural habitat, the springs of the Teuchitlán River (2021) has released their first Skiffia Francesae into the wild.
Kura Kura (saving sea turtles in Indonesia) 2020
2021 Poseidon’s Garden – An artificial reef project in Valsaline bay
2021 Reintroduction of the extinct in the wild species Skiffia francesae to its natural habitat, the springs of the Teuchitlán River - final report The annual report can be found here.
2021 Conservation of Profundulus oaxacae in one of its habitats - final report
2021 Conservation breeding facility for threatened Indonesian blackwater fish at PCBA , East Java
2022 Project Batagur baska and supplementary information
2022 Capacity building for conservation of endangered species of Xiphophorus in northeastern Mexico
2023 Development of sustainable livelihood and upscaling reef restorations in Palau