European Union of Aquarium Curators

Minutes of previous General assemblies

Minutes of previous Committee meetings

Minutes of previous conferences

EUAC Webinars 2020/2021

EUAC 2025

(*) With the kind assistance of our dear colleague Sigbjorn A. Lerstad, Atlanterhavsparken, Aalesund, Norway

(**) Shooting, editing and DVD authoring Nirgianakis K George


Instituional Species Planning workshop- in September 2024 EUAC hosted an Institutional Species Planning workhop. A guidance document was procuded which can be found here.

Other events for interest:

Species360 Future of Aquariums in Europe (Visitor Research) - this was a webinar and panel discussions with leaders within the aquarium community:

-Núria Baylina, Curator and Head of Conservation, Oceanário de Lisboa
-Christina Hvilsom, Ph.D., Chair, EAZA Biobank, and Geneticist, Copenhagen Zoo
-Brian Zimmerman, Director of Conservation and Science, Bristol Zoological Society, and Chair of the Freshwater Teleost Taxon Advisory Group